Expedited Divorce $495

The Expedited Divorce can be completed in 30 to 45 days and is up to 30 days quicker than the Standard Divorce.  It is made quicker by your spouse signing a Waiver of their 30 days to respond in front of a notary and returning it back to us by mail.  The additional $100 fee is not refundable so it is important to make sure your spouse is cooperative with you before you go with the expedited option.

NOTE: most questions can be answered by one of our paralegals with a quick phone call anytime M-F 9am to 5pm EST at (910) 333-9679 without a formal consultation.  However, if you want a formal consultation with the attorney, our paralegals can schedule that for you or you can schedule it yourself online by clicking: Schedule Divorce Consultation

Divorce Interview Form

This is a quick, easy, straight forward form. Some fields are required and can not be left blank. If you don't know the answer to a required field, just type 'unknown' and move on to the next question. We will assist you with unknown question(s) later.

Please Note: A Standard Uncontested Divorce is $395 and can be completed in 45 to 60 days. We can complete it quicker in 30 to 45 days if your spouse is willing to cooperate with you. There is an additional fee $100 for a total of $495 for the Expedited Service. Doing your own divorce is not recommended but you may be able to save some money IF you are also eligible to have Court cost waived.
We MUST have your CURRENT FULL LEGAL NAME in the fields above. Usually this will be as it appears on your Driver License or other current government issued ID.
Enter Your FULL Address: Street Address, City, State and Zip Code (PO Box is OK)
Street Address (PO Box is OK)
Suite / Apt. or other Address Information
If you do not enter your full address including the street address, city, state and zip code - it may delay the processing of your divorce and you likely will not receive a hard copy of your divorce complaint in the mail.
If you live in Louisiana, enter the Parish you live in. If you live in an Incorporated City or outside the United States this entry may not apply. If so, write Incorporated City, 'NA' or 'Unknown'.
Either you OR your spouse MUST have resided in the state of North Carolina for at least the past 6 months to be eligible to file for divorce in North Carolina.
Your e-mail address will not be sold or used for any purpose other than for us to contact you directly.
This field is OPTIONAL. If you do not want to be contacted by phone just leave blank!
The exact date of marriage is critical. If you do not know the exact date - we may be able to look it up for you if you know where you were married.
If married in Louisiana, enter the Parish. If married outside the United States, enter the Country and that countries' equivalent of City, County, and State
Note: YOU MUST BE SEPARATED FOR ONE YEAR! You must have been physically separated (not living together) for at least one year in order to be eligible to file for divorce in North Carolina. This date does not have to be exact but should include at least the month and year.
Children born or adopted BEFORE the marriage do not need to be included.
You can choose to go back to the name you were born with. This is most commonly known as your 'Maiden or Birth Name'. Or you may choose to resume a former married name IF you also have minor children from that former marriage or the former spouse is deceased. You can not change your name to anything other than your Maiden or Birth Name or a Former Married Name in a divorce action. If you want to change your name to something else, you will need to go through the formal name change process with your local county clerk of courts office.
This field is OPTIONAL however, if you want to resume your Maiden Name or Former Married Name and you do not provide your birth date or provide an incorrect birth date, you will most likely have difficulty changing government ID's such as your drivers license and Social Security card.
If you have a Separation Agreement we will need to see a copy of it - please do not send your original document.
If you have a written Separation Agreement - Do you want it Incorporated into the Divorce Judgment? * Required Field
We MUST have your spouse's FULL legal name.
Enter your Spouse's FULL Address: Street Address, City, State and Zip Code (PO Box is OK) - DO NOT USE SAME ADDRESS AS YOURS ABOVE
Street Address (PO Box is OK)
Suite / Apt. or Other Address Information
If you do not know your spouse's address, you can still get divorced but it may require doing a legal publication in a major newspaper where your spouse was last know to live. The cost for a legal publication varies, so if you need to serve your spouse by this method we will need to get a quote for you. This cost is not included in the $395 fee. We recommend doing everything you can to locate a good address for your spouse because it is by far much less expensive to serve your spouse by certified mail or by sheriff.
If your spouse lives in Louisiana, enter the Parish they live in. If your spouse lives in an Incorporated City or outside the United States this entry may not apply. If so, write 'NA' or 'Unknown'.
NOTE: We will likely need to verify your Spouse's military status. This is done by a simple affidavit but does require personal information such as your spouse's date of birth and social security number.
NOTE: This information is needed to verify and prepare an affidavit of military status. It is OPTIONAL at this stage if you prefer not to provide in now but we will likely need it at some point.
Do you have any Unresolved Marital Issues? (check all that apply) * Required Field
If you have unresolved marital issues, you may need a formal written Separation and / or Property Settlement Agreement. This is an additional fee and would need to be done prior to the divorce. If you divorce without resolving certain marital issues you may be barred from having the court decide those issues later.

* Click the Submit Button above one time.  If done correctly, you will be taken to a  confirmation page.  If not – check to make sure you filled out all required fields.